Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I am totally inspired by this amazing woman (aspiring Martha Stewart style domestic goddess without the jail sentance) and the women of Queensland who are making a difference. Good old fashioned baking, compassion and love. Simply beautiful.

Baked Relief is a movement started by Danielle aka Digella after severe flooding devastated parts of Queensland, Australia. Separated from her boys who were with her mum (whose property was affected by flooding) and needing to do something, she came up with the idea to start baking some relief for the State Emergency Services volunteers who were sandbagging around Brisbane.

She put the word out about what she was doing on her blog http://digella.blogspot.com and on Twitter and Facebook and offers of help and baking came rushing in. It has just grown beyond imagining since then and Baked Relief is now in the hands of hundreds of home cooks and bakers and is reaching people who are recovering from the floods and all of those thousands of volunteers helping them.

Baked Relief is providing food to people, to Volunteering QLD, the SES, QLD Police, Fire & Ambulance workers, the military helping clean up and just anyone who is out there doing what they can.

Baked Relief has evolved from the first plate of food Danielle brought to her local SES and is continuing to grow and progress through phases that will hopefully be long term support for those in need.

If you are like me and don't live in Brissie or the other parts of Queensland which are affected by floods you can donate here to make a difference.

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